Peter Pan ACT Three The mermaid’s lagoon
Starkey: No mewling. This is your reward for prowling round the ship with a knife in your mouth.
Tiger Lilly: Enough said. 「タイガーリリー「もう十分だ」
Smee: So that’s it! On to the rock with her, mate.
Wendy: Poor Tiger Lilly! ウェンディ「タイガーリリーがかわいそうよ」
Starkey: What was that? 「今の声はなんだ?」
Peter: Ahoy there, you lubbers! (フック船長の声で)「おおい でくのぼう」
Starkey: It is the captain; he must be swimming out to us. 「あの声は船長だ。きっとこっちに向かって泳いでくるんだぜ」
Peter: Set her free. 「(フック船長の声で)縄を外してやれ」
Smee: But, Captain- 「でも」
Peter: Cut her bonds, or I’ll plung my hook in you. 「(フック船長の声で)さもないと、この鍵をお前らの腹にぶちこむぞ」
Smee: This is queer. 「なんなんだよ」
Starkey: Let us follow the captain’s orders. 「言う通りにしようぜ」
Hook: Boat ahoy! 「おおい、お前たち」
Smee: It is the captain. 「船長だ」
Starkey: Captain, is all well? 「船長、首尾はどうです?」
Smee: What’s up, Captain? どうしたんすか?」
Hook: The game is up. Those boys have found a mother!
Starkey: What is a mother? 「母親ってなんですか?」
Wendy: He doesn’t know! 「(お母さんを知らないなんて!」
Hook : What was that? 「今のはなんだ?」
Smee: One of them mermaids. 「人魚じゃないですか?
Hook: Does not know, Starkey? A mother is・・・・There is a lesson in mothers for you! The nest must have fallen into the water, but would the bird desert her eggs?
Starkey: Maybe she is hanging about here to protect Peter?
Smee: Captain, could we not kidnap these boys’ mother and make her our mother?
Hook: Obesity and bunions, ‘tis a princely scheme. We will seize the children, make them walk the plank, and Wendy shall be our mother!
Wendy: Never! 「なるわけないじゃないの!」
Hook: What say you, bullies? 「おまえらはどう思う」
Smee: There is my hand on’t. 「賛成です。この手に誓いますよ」
Hook: And there is my hook. But I had forgot; where is the Tiger lilly?
Smee: That is all right, Captain; we let her go.
Hook: Let her go?
Starkey: You called over the water to us to let her go.
Hook: Brimstone and gall, what cozening is here?
Swee: ‘Tis passing queer. 変すねえ」
Hook: Sprit that haunts this dark lagoon to-night, does hear me?
Peter: (in the same voice). Odds, bods, hammer and tongs, I hear you.
Hook: Who are you, stranger, speak. 「きさま、どこの者だ?」
Peter: I am Jas Hook, Captain of the Jolly Roger. 「海賊船ジョリー・ロジャー号の船長、ジャス・フックというのは俺の事だ」
Hook: If you are Hook, come tell me, who am I? 「お前がフックなら、おれは誰なんだ」
Peter: A codfish, only a codfish. タラだよ。魚のタラ」
Hook: A codfish? 「たらだ!?」
Smee: Have we been captained all this time by a codfish?
Hook:Pan? 「(はっとして)パンか?」
Peter: Well, I am Peter Pan! 「(3人の前に現れ)そうさ、ピーターパンだ」
Hook: Into the water, Smee. Starkey, mind the boat. Take him dead or alive!
Peter: Boys, lam into the pirates!